Agile Marketing Starts Here
Marcile has what you need to be more efficient and effective.

Support Your Entire Organization's Needs
• Single source of truth for all marketing requests.
• All departments have access to submit requests.
• Ensures each department is heard by marketing.
Increase Accountability & Reduce Time Wasters
• Departments submit better project details.
• Reduces time lost perusing vague requests.
• Increases efficiency in approving projects.

Adopt More Agile Marketing Practices
• Auto-generate project backlog or roadmap spreadsheets.
• Easily prioritize based on urgency and expected ROI.
• The starting place for any Scrum or Kanban process.
Easily Share Projects with Others
• Access project list from anywhere.
• Distribute and share list to appropriate team members.
• Team notifications through email, #slack and more.